The critically acclaimed "Diamonds Beneath the Darkness" debuts as a BESTSELLER!

International Award-Winning
Congratulations, Nicole Danielle!
"Diamonds Beneath the Darkness"
the first book in Nicole's self-discovery memoir series Life thru Lyrics
is officially an internationally-recognized award winning book!

Most people are just living to die. Here I am, just dying to live—is the whisper Nicole Danielle heard on the darkest night of her life.
A beauty queen who committed a crime. A lover who committed a sin. A dreamer told to get her head out of the clouds. A bright light dimmed by the world.
Life got dark and every time Nicole tried to change the narrative, the noise was just too loud—
“You’re not enough.”
“You will never be anything more than what you are.”
“You’re a dime a dozen.”
“Your voice doesn’t matter.”
“You’re a fat f*cking pig.”
Bullied. Abused. Abandoned. Betrayed. Silenced…
Until now.
For so long, Nicole Danielle didn’t speak.
Because of her son, she finally will.
In her gripping debut memoir, Nicole shares her triumphant journey through this beautiful yet heartbreaking thing called life. Her raw, unapologetic, and profoundly vulnerable voice pulls you into a rollercoaster of highs and lows, affirming the essence of humanity.
Join Nicole on this inspiring voyage of self-discovery—as her stories reveal that there has always been someone there; her voice, however, simply wasn’t strong enough until now to tell you so.
Unlock the pages of Diamonds Beneath the Darkness and dare to feel the reality of what it truly means to be human.

PRAISE for "Diamonds Beneath the Darkness"
Readers have spoken...
Thank You to every single one of you who has taken the time
to support Diamonds Beneath the Darkness by way of leaving a review!
Every single review helps this little self-published debut memoir of mine
out so much. The feedback I'm seeing on how this book is impacting your life means more than you could ever know!
Thank you for supporting this book & for believing in me.
Your responses move me to tears in the most beautiful way.

About the author
Nicole Danielle
NICOLE DANIELLE, a seasoned TV / film producer with credits on networks such as Discovery, A&E, E! And the Food Network, is the Visionary and Co-Founder of Amazing Crazy Productions. A passionate storyteller, she is focused on creating inspiring content in hopes to make a positive impact on the lives of others.
Her self-discovery memoir, “Diamonds Beneath the Darkness,” is the first book in the Life thru Lyrics series which chronicles Nicole’s personal “journey to become.” As a self-published author, Nicole’s debut memoir has become a #1 Bestseller & an internationally-recognized award winning book!
As the Co-Host of the Somewhere Road podcast, you can find Nicole every Wednesday & Sunday using her voice to help others take their own healing journey.
As the mom of two young children with autism, Nicole is not only an advocate but a champion for authentic voices.
To find out more about what Nicole is up to, click here:
" We all have a song inside of us &
our stories are the lyrics of our lives."
-Nicole Danielle
There's a few reasons why I chose to name this
the Life thru Lyrics series.
One of the reasons is because I'm about to take you on a wyld ride if you're simply willing to play along. This book wouldn't be possible without my son, Crosby. And since music is a part of his expressive soul—and allows us to connect in a way verbal words are not yet able to—I welcome you to join us as I share with you an element of this series that is deeply personal to me & sets the tone for a truly intimate storytelling experience.
If you haven't already, to join this part of the journey & truly feel the essence of what I felt in the moments of my stories I share, simply leave your email & the details will soon be found in your inbox:
Notable Author Events.
A request from the heart...
Please leave a review.

DIAMONDS BENEATH THE DARKNESS exists in the world because Nicole Danielle self-published the book herself.
Every aspect of its creation—from initial concept to the writing of every single page to every step it takes in the process to put a book out into the world was done either by Nicole or some friendly people wanting to help out. This project was not just a labor of love nor was it done just so Nicole could call herself "an author." Not only was blood, sweat, endless sleepless nights, typing with two fingers while her baby was snuggled in her arms, hundreds of thousands of tears, emotional battles & everything financially that Nicole had was put into making this happen. She had no choice to put it all on the line and bet on herself because she knew it had to be done her own way, staying true to her own voice—not just for her children, but for all of you who have joined her on this journey because you believe in her... and she needs you to know, that it was worth risking it all because she believes in you too.
The best thing you can do to show your support is to leave a positive review to help her book reach more people and, hopefully, touch the lives of others who could be inspired by the stories she had an undeniable calling to share.
If this book impacted your life in some way, please help spread the word and shout it from the rooftops that this book exists in the world and for others to run and go grab themselves a copy or gift one to someone you know whose life could benefit from someone out there simply wanting them to know that they are not alone.
One day. One step. One dream. One book at a time. Together, we can make a difference in the world.

A Sneak Peek of
part two
As teased at the end of part one: Diamonds Beneath the Darkness,
the "journey to become" continues in part two.
It's happening in real time & if you thought book one was something,
hold on tight because book two is gonna be epic!
For a taste of what's coming next, click here:
Books, Dreams & Beyond
Inspired by the stories in Diamonds Beneath the Darkness,
check out the STORE to see available merchandise for sale—
Creations are in the works.
Want more? Join me on PATREON!
The journey to get these stories to print was... well, quite the journey! What started off as one vision evolved into something so much bigger & more beautiful than I ever could have imagined.
Along the way, I kept being told "don't skip the good stuff!" But, I had no choice but to cut so much "good stuff" from part one because, well frankly, I couldn't publish a 180,000 word book! So a lot of stories just had to go.
GOOD NEWS! While many stories might be gone from the book... they're not gone forever!
In knowing there was so much MORE that needed to be told on the first part of this journey, I knew I couldn't just throw these stories away. And that's why I've started the "Life thru Lyrics: the untold stories" Patreon account.
If you loved the first book, I invite you to come along for
"a story & a song on the journey to become"—where I will be sharing the untold stories in my own private community. I will also be reading out loud the Diamonds Beneath the Darkness stories that were published in the way I always envisioned for all these stories to be told. And I will also be spilling the tea, or vino, and answer all of your burning questions during weekly Q&As where you (my most incredible readers) and I can cozy up and get real personal. If you thought we couldn't get much more personal than the pages in the book, oh that was just scraping the surface to the depths our friendship is about to go.
If there was a book 1.5 before book 2 is released, Patreon is the place to be and we're gonna just keep taking this journey and doing it as I set out for it to be done—my own way. Join me and, together, let's do a little dancing in the darkness!
Hi Friends!
Don't be a stranger.
For anything you wanna chat about in
regards to the Life thru Lyrics series—the books, podcasts, speaking, press, etc etc—reach out via the form & we will get you a response as soon as possible. Or you can send a direct email to:
If you wanna give Nicole some feedback, praise, show some love or share how her stories connected with your life, you can send a direct email to:
And if you can, make sure to spread a little kindness & love today. You never know just how much it could brighten someone's darkened day.